
The Monk and the Honeybee

A documentary on Brother Adam's the world famous breeder of the Buckfast bee. Filmed for the BBC in 1987 when Brother Adams was 89.

The film goes into some of the history of developing the buckfast strain of bee, gives a taste of life in their apiary, and documents the search for the Monticola in Africa which was to be added into the genetic mix of the buckfast.


Mike Palmer - The Sustainable Apiary talk

In this video Michael Palmer speaks to the Prince Williams Regional Beekeepers' Association about his practice of overwintering nucs to make up for loses as opposed to buying new colonies.

In part one he covers the benefits of of overwintering nucs, choosing which colonies to use to make your nucs, how to create the nucs.

In part two he looks at some of the unique management practices to this system and some of the equipment options.


Zembla - Murder of the Honeybee

This Dutch film implicates pesticides as playing a significant role in the high bee mortality in the Netherlands and questions why the issue hasn't been taken seriously.

The film contrasts interviews with French scientist Prof. Jean-Marc Bonmatin who's research has led to pesticide bans in France against interviews with Dr. T. Blacquiere, the principal adviser to the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture who appears to have strong financial connections to Bayer, a pesticide producer.


PBS Nova Tales From the Hive

Some stunning cinematography in the PBS documentary that follows the life of a hive through the season. It's a great way to pick up some of the basics on bees, but even if you're already familiar with the information coverd the video is of interest for all the stunning close-ups, including scenes of the mating flight of the queen.

There is also an interesting 'making of' article that explains how these images were captured.


Talk on commercial beekeeping, top bar, small cell, raising hardy northern queens and going treatment free.

Excellent lecture from Sam Comfort covering his past with the commercial beekeeping industry and why he started keeping top bar hives.