
The kiwimana Buzz Beekeeping Podcast

A Beekeeping Podcast from New Zealand. They've been rather prolific in putting out a large number of episodes on a wide variety of topics in a short time period.

Of their current episodes, the interview with Rany Oliver has caught my attention. It was interesting to hear him talk about how he is able to do so much research and make the information free for the public as well as his thoughts on varroa managment and treatment-free beekeeping:

They also reviewed my own top ten list of considerations for aspiring urban beekeepers in this episode starting at the 14:30 mark:



Hive Talk with David and Jon

Dave and Jon and both certified master beekeepers. They are from Illinois and Arkansas respectively, so the show offers the perspective of both southern and northern American beekeeping. This podcast is recorded live and the audience is welcome to log in online or phone in with questions.

To get a sense of the style and format have a listen to episode six where they discuss mite management:


BBC Radio 4 - On the Trail of the American Honeybee

Crate where bees once livedPhoto by: bbcworldservice / CC: Attribution-NonCommercial License

Documentary looking at migratory beekeeping in the USA from the california almond mega-monocultures and beyond.

Almond orchardPhoto by: bbcworldservice / CC: Attribution-NonCommercial License

As Ontatio's provincial apiarist reported the numbers of hives moving from Ontario to the blueberries ~1000+km away has more than doubled in the last few years, the issues experienced by our southern neighbours are certainly worth contemplating up here in Canada (and in the nut aisle of bulk food stores everywhere).


Organically Managed Beekeeping Podcast and Forums

Informative podcast produced by Craig in Southern Maryland with a focus on sustainable practices. To date he has already interviewed a number of notable beekeepers such as the backwards beekeeper, Phil Chandler, Ross Conrad and a bunch of others.

In his last episode of 2012 Craig the host revisited different aspects of his approach, his recommendations for beginners and how his ideas have evolved over the years.

Definitely worth going through the whole episode library.


Opening keynote address by Phil Chandler at the 2012 Natural Beekeeping Conference

Phil does a bit of talking but it quickly changes from a speech to an interesting open discussion.

Topics touched include: comb size/space, normal colony drone levels, varroa preditors,


James Fearnley on Propolis

James has been interested in natural medicine since the 70's and started a company focusing on propolis in the 90's. Having comissioned scientific research on the substance and written a booking looking into all the research on the topic it's evident it's a topic he's passionate about.

James talks about the purpose and uses of propolis in this episode on the Barefoot beekeeper podcast:

If you prefer video, much of the same ideas are also touched upon in this lengthy lecture: